2023紙上住宅建築國際競圖結果出爐 台灣團隊贏得第三名
「2023 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition」Winners Announced

The third「International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition」, which is co-hosted by Taiwan Architecture Magazine and Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates and also the affiliation of Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association, invites Rem Koolhaas, founder and partner of OMA, and David Gianotten, managing partner, to be the judges for the competition.


The total of 274 projects from 24 countries has been received over a period of 5-month submission for total prize of US$20,000 in the end of November 30, 2022.


The final review of the competition is conducted on February 1 and winners are finally announced by judges Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten after they thoroughly discuss the 10 projects selected for the final review. The winners are as follows – project「Sky Village Incubator」by Duan, Ai-Xin(段艾辛)+ Geng, Rui-Jia(耿睿佳)+ Chen, Li-Ying(陳麗穎)from China wins the First Prize with bonus of $US8,000 (tax included), project「POLAR STOROZHKA」by Алиса Романова from Russia wins the Second Prize with bonus of $US5,000 (tax included), project 「Carbon Lab of Circular Economy - Carbon Capture Project」by Chi, Ko-Yu(姫柯宇)from Taiwan wins the Third Prize with bonus of $US3,000.

本屆決選審查已於2月1日舉辦(線上),由雷姆.庫哈斯及大衛.希艾萊特兩位評審親自聆聽十件入圍作品簡報及提問。審查結束後經縝密討論,得獎名單正式出爐,由來自中國的Duan, Ai-Xin(段艾辛)+ Geng, Rui-Jia(耿睿佳)+ Chen, Li-Ying(陳麗穎)三人設計的「Sky Village Incubator」贏得首獎及美金8,000元獎金(含稅)。來自俄羅斯的Алиса Романова以作品「POLAR STOROZHKA」贏得第二名及美金5,000元獎金(含稅)。台灣Chi, Ko-Yu(姫柯宇)則以「Carbon Lab of Circular Economy - Carbon Capture Project」獲第三名及美金3,000元獎金(含稅)。

Besides the first 3 winners, 2 projects「Urban ZIP.per」and「Urban Instability - Participatory Urbanism」by Pan, Zhong-Yu(潘中昱)and Hsiao, Chung-Yun(蕭仲筠)+ Liao, Chuan-Yao(廖譔堯)all from Taiwan separately win the Honorable Mention with bonus of $US1,000 (tax included). Also, the last 5 teams separately win the Shortlisted with bonus of $US400 (tax included).

除前三名外,來自台灣的兩組團隊,Pan, Zhong-Yu(潘中昱)及Hsiao, Chung-Yun(蕭仲筠)+ Liao, Chuan-Yao(廖譔堯),分別以作品以「Urban ZIP.per」及「Urban Instability - Participatory Urbanism」獲榮譽獎及美金1,000元獎金(含稅)。另外五組則獲入圍及美金400元獎金(含稅)。

Final Review 決選審查:https://www.youtube.com/live/3Kic6HUYPU8?feature=share

The awards ceremony will be conducted at The Mayor's Residence Art Salon on March 19 with a live stream. Judges Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten will both attend the ceremony to present the prizes and have a forum with winners after the ceremony. More information please check official website of TRAA.


【Award Ceremony Information】
Date : 2023/03/19(日)
Time : 14:00¬16:00(GMT+8)
Location : Mayor's Residence Art Salon Performance Hall 
Address : No. 46, Xuzhou Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City
Live stream : https://reurl.cc/2W0ea6


首獎(First Prize),獎金8,000 USD 
243-Sky Village Incubator
/Duan, Ai-Xin(段艾辛)+ Geng, Rui-Jia(耿睿佳)+ Chen, Li-Ying(陳麗穎)/China

第二名(Second Prize),獎金5,000 USD
/Алиса Романова/Russian

第三名(Third Prize),獎金3,000 USD
172-Carbon Lab of Circular Economy - Carbon Capture Project
/Chi, Ko-Yu(姫柯宇)/Taiwan

榮譽獎(​Honorable Mention),獎金1,000 USD 
021-Urban ZIP.per
/Pan, Zhong-Yu(潘中昱)/Taiwan

榮譽獎(​Honorable Mention),獎金1,000 USD 
022-Urban Instability - Participatory Urbanism
/Hsiao, Chung-Yun(蕭仲筠)+ Liao, Chuan-Yao(廖譔堯)/Taiwan

入圍(Shortlisted),獎金400 USD  
013-Spatial Folding of Urban 'Patches'
/Zhao, Guan-Lyu(趙管律)/China

入圍(Shortlisted),獎金400 USD  
110-Four Filtering Pieces House
/Giacomo Caputo/Germany

入圍(Shortlisted),獎金400 USD   
142-No One is an Island
/Zhang, Zi-Hui(張子惠)/China

入圍(Shortlisted),獎金400 USD  
165-Alveolar Filter
/Yang, Xin(楊欣)+ Liang, Lin-Tao(梁林濤)/China

入圍(Shortlisted),獎金400 USD  
188-Return To The ( )
/Lin, Jia-Zeng(林家增)/Taiwan


Affiliated Units:Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association
Organizer:Taiwan Architecture Magazine、Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates


